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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Weigh \Weigh\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weighed; p. pr. & vb. n. Weighing.] [OE. weien, weyen, weghen, AS. wegan to bear, move; akin to D. wegen to weigh, G. w["a]gen, wiegen, to weigh, bewegen to move, OHG. wegan, Icel. vega to move, carry, lift, weigh, Sw. v["a]ga to weigh, Dan. veie, Goth. gawigan to shake, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. ????. See Way, and cf. Wey.]

  1. To bear up; to raise; to lift into the air; to swing up; as, to weigh anchor. ``Weigh the vessel up.''

  2. To examine by the balance; to ascertain the weight of, that is, the force with which a thing tends to the center of the earth; to determine the heaviness, or quantity of matter of; as, to weigh sugar; to weigh gold.

    Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
    --Dan. v. 27.

  3. To be equivalent to in weight; to counterbalance; to have the heaviness of. ``A body weighing divers ounces.''

  4. To pay, allot, take, or give by weight.

    They weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.
    --Zech. xi. 12.

  5. To examine or test as if by the balance; to ponder in the mind; to consider or examine for the purpose of forming an opinion or coming to a conclusion; to estimate deliberately and maturely; to balance.

    A young man not weighed in state affairs.

    Had no better weighed The strength he was to cope with, or his own.

    Regard not who it is which speaketh, but weigh only what is spoken.

    In nice balance, truth with gold she weighs.

    Without sufficiently weighing his expressions.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  6. To consider as worthy of notice; to regard. [Obs. or Archaic] ``I weigh not you.'' --Shak. All that she so dear did weigh. --Spenser. To weigh down.

    1. To overbalance.

    2. To oppress with weight; to overburden; to depress. ``To weigh thy spirits down.''


vb. (en-past of: weigh)

Usage examples of "weighed".

The weighed portion of ore should be placed in a clean crucible and be heated to incipient redness: with pyrites the first effect is to drive off about half the sulphur as vapour which burns as flame over the ore.

Gravimetric and Volumetric, in the former of which the final results are weighed, whilst in the latter they are measured.

For example, if a permanganate of potash solution be added to a solution containing a weighed amount of iron, dissolved in sulphuric acid, the strong colour of the permanganate of potash will be removed until a certain quantity of it has been added.

A substance must always be cold when weighed, and large glass vessels should be allowed to stand in the balance-box a little while before being weighed.

Substances which take up moisture rapidly should be weighed in clipped watch-glasses or in light-weighing bottles or tubes.

On the other hand, very small buttons, especially such as have to be measured rather than weighed, should be withdrawn as soon as the luminous film has disappeared.

Cadmium is the metal generally recommended, and the alloy is made by melting together a weighed portion of the gold with five or six times its weight of cadmium in a Berlin crucible and under a thin layer of potassium cyanide.

If during the melting down some dross has formed this must be skimmed off, weighed and separately sampled and assayed.

Then, after mixing, 100 to 200 grams of it are carefully weighed and placed in a hot crucible, the heat of which should be sufficient to melt all the lead.

The mercury easily collects into a globule, which must be transferred, after decanting off the bulk of the water, to a weighed Berlin crucible.

Dry and transfer to a weighed porcelain crucible, mix with a little pure sulphur, and ignite at a red heat for 5 or 10 minutes in a current of hydrogen.

The cylinder must be carefully weighed, and the electrolysis allowed to proceed for 24 hours.

Under the conditions of the assay the dioxide cannot be weighed, as it partly dissolves on breaking the current.

The precipitate may be dried and weighed, or, better, titrated with uranium acetate.

Dry, transfer to a watch-glass, and burn the filter paper, collecting its ash in a weighed porcelain crucible.