Wehrmachtbericht (German: "the Armed Forces report") was the daily Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) mass-media communiqué and a key component of Nazi propaganda during World War II. Produced by the Propaganda Department of the OKW (), also known as WPr), it covered the Reich's military situation and was broadcast daily on the Reich Broadcasting Corporation of Nazi Germany. All broadcasts were authorized by the Reich Ministry of Propaganda, and often failed to reflect realities on the ground.
Both civilian and military authorities considered the Wehrmachtbericht to be a vital instrument of home-front mobilization in the total war, especially after the defeat at Stalingrad. From the onset, the Nazi propaganda machine regarded these communiqués as possessing a future value, beyond the immediate use as news delivery medium. The main message consistently presented the supposed superiority of the German soldier's spirit and character. According to historian Daniel Uziel, the final 9 May 1945 communiqué contributed to the creation of the myth of the clean Wehrmacht.