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weenie roast

n. a cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main course [syn: wiener roast]

Weenie Roast

Weenie Roast is a short animated cartoon distributed by Columbia Pictures, and stars Krazy Kat.

Usage examples of "weenie roast".

From where I was standing alone on this roof-top, silhouetted dramatically against the full moon, I could see the greater part of A City in Terror* Flames were rising like Old Glory at a witchfinder's weenie roast.

Unless you want to chance a fast weenie roast you lose your bluff.

Getting this one back isn't going to be a weenie roast, boys and girls.

Let the farmers make a weenie roast of that knightly prick at Mitwitz.

And SJG headquarters, the site of the raid, will soon be the site of Cyberspace Weenie Roast to start an Austin chapter of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.