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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Weedless \Weed"less\, a.

  1. Free from weeds or noxious matter.

  2. Free from weeds; -- said of a kind of motor-boat propeller the blades of which curve backwardly, as respects the direction of rotation, so that they draw through the water, and so do not gather weeds with which they come in contact.


a. 1 Lacking weeds. 2 (cx of a motorboat propeller English) Having blades that curve backwards, as respects the direction of rotation, so that they draw through the water without accumulating weeds.


adj. free from weeds; "a weedless garden" [ant: weedy]

Usage examples of "weedless".

I judged, as I pulled up on the weedless gravel before the front door, must alone cost a fortune.

Now maybe you can begin to account for those beautiful gardens, those precision trimmed hedges, that spick and span house, those neat walks, weedless lawn, splendidly cooked meals faultlessly served, and so ad infinituma seeming inexhaustible supply of fabulously cheap man and woman power by our standards.

Vulcanic lake, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the earth.

Men, women, and a few children emerged into a littered patch of land trampled into uniform, weedless, packed dirt marred here and there by the soot and charred wood of old campfires.

A few minutes later the entire party was overlooking an oblong of dark, weedless soil.

At four-thirty, therefore, on that sunny October afternoon, the two men sat on a weedless lawn overlooking the broad, green sweep of Otmoor, and Morse recounted to his senior officer the irregularities and improprieties of his own investigations, over the previous fortnight.

The flower beds along the front of the house were weedless and received daily care, and between them and the road the long wide lawn was thick and well cut.

The street before him with its weedless, automatically tended gardens, its shops set well back among the flowers, its perpetual hard, grassy sidewalks, and its street lamps that glowed from every pore of their structurethis was a restful paradise where time had stood still.

My general impression of the world I saw over their heads was a tangled waste of beautiful bushes and flowers, a long-neglected and yet weedless garden.

My general impression of the world I saw over their heads was a tangled waste of beautiful bushes and flowers, a long neglected and yet weedless garden.

And beyond that wall grew plants in rows, the tending of watchful cultivation plain to read in the weedless soil, the staking of taller stems.

When the cool of the evening came they had sat and watched a wedding-party dance quadrilles on a lawn by the river, overhung by chestnut trees and severed by a clear and rapid channel, weedless as the air, from an island crowded by the weather-bleached ruins of a mill.

The street before him with its weedless, automatically tended gardens, its shops set well back among the flowers, its perpetually hard, grassy sidewalks, and its street lamps that glowed from every pore of their structure—this was a restful paradise where time had stood still.