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wedding license

n. a license authorizing a man and a woman to marry [syn: marriage license, marriage licence, wedding licence]

Usage examples of "wedding license".

For there in front of him was the name he had been envisioning on a wedding license—.

For there in front of him was the name he had been envisioning on a wedding license&mdash.

I was looking for Mary's wedding license, in case Jim overlooked something.

And I'd advise you to buy that and go back home and tell your pa, if you have one, and let him make somebody buy you a wedding license.

The day before Easter, he brought a minister and a wedding license to the hospital, and they were married.

I did some digging in public records and found bis wedding license application.

He found the black-robed fat lady telling a young boy she couldn't issue him a wedding license no matter how much he loved the little gal next door.