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Webosaurs is a former MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), which involved a virtual world containing online games and activities, developed by Reel FX Entertainment. Players could use cartoon dinosaur- avatars and play in a landscape-set world, with a variety of different themes. Beta-testing was made available to the general public on June 25, 2009 and expanded, making it an online community. In 2012, Webosaurs shut down for unknown reasons. Free non-memberships were available, revenue was predominantly raised through paid memberships, allowing players to access additional features (such as the ability to buy more virtual clothing, and in-game pets through use of in-game currency.)

The game was designed for ages 5–12. Thus a major focus from the developers was built on child safety, including offering a "Safe Chat" mode, where users could select their comments from a menu; filtering that prevented swearing and the revelation of personal information; and moderators (along with veteran players) who policed the game.