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n. (context US English) A narrow piece of material used to prevent cold air from entering a building through the edge of a window or a door. vb. To apply such a strip.

  1. v. provide with weatherstripping; "The window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in"

  2. equip with weatherstripping; "He weatherstripped the windows when it got cold"

  3. [also: weatherstripping, weatherstripped]

Usage examples of "weatherstrip".

Windows rattled or hummed, their inner and outer coverings of plastic insulation shuddered and crackled, the outer doors strained and snarled at their fastenings, wind whistled through weatherstripping in a dozen places, shingles complained and threatened to leave, banshees took up residence in both my stovepipes (the two stoves, inflamed, raved and roared back at them), and beneath all the local noise could be heard the omnipresent sound of the wind trying to flog the forest to death and the Bay trying to smash the stone shore to flinders.

Two thirty-six South Beaudry was a low-rent Victorian, every single shingle weatherstripped and splintered.