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weather forecaster

n. A person who forecasts the weather.

weather forecaster

n. predicts the weather [syn: weatherman]

Usage examples of "weather forecaster".

So the massage parlor drawing ended up in the office of a weather forecaster.

He said you'd have known about uranium and plutonium too because you were a physicist as well as a weather forecaster.

Maybe I can be a reporter on TV and you can be the weather forecaster and we'll call our show Ellis and Tubman Report.

Even a god-damned weather forecaster has a data base to help him out.

The republic's chief weather forecaster resigned his well-paid hereditary post, so distasteful had his work of predicting disaster become to him.

I'm no first-class weather forecaster, but all the signs are there.

This was one of the reasons his management had taken such an interest in us: Sylvia had sold them on the idea that I would be a kind of weather forecaster for Money.

The weather forecaster was worried about snow and I'll bet the six o'clock news didn't relax him any.

At dinner time the radio weather forecaster talked of an accumulation of eight to ten inches before morning.

With time out for service as an Army Air Forces weather forecaster during World War II and a more recent career as a college English professor, he has devoted his life to science fiction.