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n. (plural of wayside English)

Usage examples of "waysides".

I am aware that there has been a good deal said in poetry about the fringed gentian and the harebell of rocky districts and waysides, and I know that it is possible for maidens to bloom in very slight soil into a wild-wood grace and beauty.

His early life had been spent sitting beside dusty waysides in Canaan with a bowl in his lap crying out for alms, always close to starvation.

All at once he had advanced from the blind man's secret three thousand years ago in the dusty waysides of Canaan to the secret of the imbecile scribe.

Small flowers carpeted the waysides and even grew from the cracks in the stonework along the walls and in the courtyards.

Indeed all the little crosses along the waysides or in the walls were decked with flowers in gratitude for what had been spared them.

They died doubtless in the cells of one of the castles which spot the waysides of Judea.