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n. any mapped reference point on a route that can be easily identified


A waypoint is a reference point in physical space used for purposes of navigation, otherwise known as a landmark.

Usage examples of "waypoint".

Ghosts in probability-space, waveforms strung taut from waypoint to waypoint, snapshot to snapshot.

Jocasta watched, fascinated, as I told the nav system to transfer the waypoints to the pilot.

He proceeded to show Baedecker details of the Automatic Flight Control System, the Engine Indicating and Crew Alert System, and the computerized color radar displays that incorporated maps of their position relative to VHF Omni-Range stations, waypoints, and Instrument Landing System beams.

Yves Gaynes pointed out old towns and villages, the walls of their buildings now nothing more than stiff lumps drowned under tapegrass, names decaying to waypoints loaded into the Trooperbus’s guidance block.

There were only three waypoints in the flight plan--an initial takeoff point about two miles off the departure end of the runway, a level-off point over Chesapeake Bay, and a destination: 38-eccomiag North, West, elevation twelve feet mean sea level, the geographical coordinates of the Oval Office in the White House, Washington, D.

Moneo and many of my guards know my aversion, Only Moneo suspects the truth, that this marks an important waypoint.