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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Waymaker \Way"mak`er\, n. One who makes a way; a precursor. [R.]


n. One who makes a way; a precursor; pioneer; pathfinder.

Usage examples of "waymaker".

He needed to find the Waymaker, and learn the paths of the Underworld.

It was entirely possible that the Waymaker that Gaborn sought had met its fate during the night, along with so many other reavers.

After spending a long morning looking for the Waymaker, Averan had succeeded in eating a farmer.

Even Runelords with force horses couldn't easily move the massive carcasses of the reavers, and Gaborn was left to worry that the Waymaker would lie forever hidden.

The Waymaker was still out there in the reaver horde, waiting for Gaborn to hunt him down.

She took the staff in hand, held the Waymaker on her own, now that he had turned.

He had fed upon the brains of Waymakers before him--an endless line of them that spanned thousands of years.

She had glimpsed the Underworld through the eyes of reavers, through the eyes of the Waymakers who knew it best.