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n. (plural of waye English)

Usage examples of "wayes".

And because that I might be seene, he brought me through many blind wayes and lanes to his house, where he went about to comfort me, beeing sad and yet fearfull, with gentle entreaty of talke.

When they were brought up to the mountain, they made their wayes homeward to their owne houses, and murmured with envy that they bare against Psyches, saying, behold cruell and contrary fortune, behold how we, borne all of one Parent, have divers destinies : but especially we that are the elder two bee married to strange husbands, made as handmaidens, and as it were banished from our Countrey and friends.

Nigh his wits end then woxe th'amazed knight,And thought his labour lost and trauell vaine,Against this lifelesse shadow so to fight:Yet life he saw, and felt his mightie maine,That whiles he marueild still, did still him paine:For thy he gan some other wayes aduize,How to take life from that dead-liuing swaine,Whom still he marked freshly to arizeFrom th'earth, & from her wombe new spirits to reprize.

The other fiue, fiue sundry wayes he set,Against the fiue great Bulwarkes of that pile,And vnto each a Bulwarke did arret,T'assayle with open force or hidden guile,In hope thereof to win victorious spoile.

Wherein his weaker wandring steps to guide,An auncient matrone she to her does call,Whose sober lookes her wisedome well descride:Her name was Mercie, well knowne ouer all,To be both gratious, and eke liberall:To whom the carefull charge of him she gaue,To lead aright, that he should neuer fallIn all his wayes through this wide worldes waue,That Mercy in the end his righteous soule might saue.

Vnlucky Squire (said Guyon) sith thou hastFalne into mischiefe through intemperaunce,Henceforth take heede of that thou now hast past,And guide thy wayes with warie gouernaunce,Least worse betide thee by some later chaunce.

But all the liquour, which was fowle and wast,Not good nor seruiceable else for ought,They in another great round vessell plast,Till by a conduit pipe it thence were brought:And all the rest, that noyous was, and nought,By secret wayes, that none might it espy,Was close conuaid, and to the back-gate brought,That cleped was Port Esquiline, wherebyIt was auoided quite, and throwne out priuily.

But past awhile, when she fit season sawTo leaue that desert mansion, she castIn secret wize her selfe thence to withdraw,For feare of mischiefe, which she did forecastMight by the witch or by her sonne compast:Her wearie Palfrey closely, as she might,Now well recouered after long repast,In his proud furnitures she freshly dight,His late miswandred wayes now to remeasure right.

When this was over they went their wayes, and the doores closed fast, the posts stood in their old places, and the lockes and bolts were shut againe.

And though sometimes a Civill warre, may be differred, by such wayes as that, yet the danger growes still the greater, and the Publique ruine more assured.