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n. (plural of waterbag English)

Usage examples of "waterbags".

Zhadnoboth had hidden himself away with these waterbags, either out of peevishness or for reasons of sorcery, and ensorceled them so they held four or five times more water than they did before.

They stopped to fill waterbags at every stream, unsure if they would find any conveniently close when they camped for the night.

She stopped at the still pool just outside the cave to fill her waterbags, and had another memory.

Small brown waterbags -- the preserved waterproof bladders and stomachs of various animals -- were passed around and people drank from them with great relish.

Jondalar took a swallow from one of the small brown waterbags of fermented drink, looked around at the people waiting expectantly, then smiled at Ayla.

When everyone was gathered outside the earthlodge, with collecting and burden baskets and leather tarps, waterbags, and food for a midday meal, Mamut brought out a small figure of a mature woman carved out of ivory and stuck it in the ground in front of the entrance.

All were well mounted, even though the horses they bestrode were not war-trained, and Djo-Sahl led a fifth animala mule, on which were packed their food and waterbags, plus a small tent and cooking pot.

When it was very cold, as it had been on the plateau glacier over the highland they had just crossed, they carried the waterbags inside their parkas next to the skin, so body heat could melt the snow.

They dipped some of the wine into waterbags and left the rest for the revelers, then walked toward Jondalar.

There was a small spring several hundred yards on down the slope, and Garion slipped and slid downhill with two leather waterbags slung over his shoulders.

The light was fading rapidly under the dark, windswept evergreens, and the ruddy glow of their campfire beckoned cheerfully as he started back up through the trees with the full waterbags hanging pendulously down against his thighs.

Toth, huge and silent, went over to the side of their shelter, picked up two leather waterbags and started down the steep slope toward the spring.

As Toth came back up from the spring with the two dripping waterbags, Polgara emerged from their shelter, brushing her long, dark hair.