vb. (present participle of watch out English)
Usage examples of "watching out".
It was proper to pray, but I had to do my part by watching out and right well I knew it.
Cleante smiled at the young Vulcan, watching out of the corner of her eye to see how T'Shael would react.
The Consul has Guards everywhere and Old Hasius the Brilliant is watching out in case the Thunderer shows his face again.
I hit that nine button and the two ones and told the voice that Ma was having an attack, but Poxy was watching out for her.
Eld Ailea shook her head once and swung her wrinkled face toward the sleeping baby, watching out of the corner of her eye as the Speaker walked slowly to the womans body.
If it wasn't for me watching out and keeping an eye on our diet—.
Now she would have to go from door to door checking the nurses' stations, watching out for guards, risking exposure.
The sleepy man watching out the side window of the shack unwrapped a chocolate bar and began to gnaw it, the cold chocolate breaking off with little popping sounds.
But what cause have I to worry, with Moiraine and the Wise Ones watching out for me?
Raj replied abstractedly, watching out the window as the multicolored lights of East Residence swam by.
While passing down the next fifty yards from the entrance to the elevators, he was incapable of paying attention to anything but watching out that nobody bumped into him.
The owl would get it, or one of the things Da is watching out for.
Anyone watching out there has my official authorization to use my formula to create as many rods as they wish.