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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Watch \Watch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Watched; p. pr. & vb. n. Watching.]

  1. To give heed to; to observe the actions or motions of, for any purpose; to keep in view; not to lose from sight and observation; as, to watch the progress of a bill in the legislature.

    Saul also sent messengers unto David's house to watch him, and to slay him.
    --1 Sam. xix. 11

    I must cool a little, and watch my opportunity.

    In lazy mood I watched the little circles die.

  2. To tend; to guard; to have in keeping.

    And flaming ministers, to watch and tend Their earthy charge.

    Paris watched the flocks in the groves of Ida.


vb. (en-past of: watch)


Watched may refer to:

  • Watched, novel by C. J. Lyons 2014
  • Watched (film), film with Stacy Keach and Harris Yulin 1974
  • Watched (video game)

Usage examples of "watched".

The pilgrim watched him select a stone, estimate its dimensions in hand-spans, reject it, and carefully select another, to be pried free from the rock jam of the rubble, to be hoisted by Francis and stumblingly hauled away.

He stood in the trail with his legs spread wide and his massive arms folded across his chest while he watched the approach of the small figure astride the ass.

It offered welcome shade, but still the wanderer sat there in the sunlight and watched the curious buzzards.

The flock of dark scavengers abandoned the site and soared high on the rising currents of air while they hungrily watched the land.

The abbot leaned against the parapet to listen while he watched the buzzards circling over the mesa of Last Resort.

He watched the dust speck until it passed through the village of Sanly Bowitts and departed again by way of the road leading past the mesa.

Paulo watched him lower a leaky bark cup into the well, empty it into his water skin, and lower it again for more.

The remaining horsemen watched briefly, then reined around and trotted toward the abbey.

They kept their hands tucked in their sleeves and watched a fourth monk who stood at the foot of the stairs.

The fourth monk gazed patiently up toward a fifth monk who stood on the landing and watched the entrance to the stairway.

The monk who watched from the head of the stairs turned solemnly and bowed toward the fifth monk on the landing below.

He pulled a mask of smoke-blackened oily parchment over his face to protect his eyes, then felt for the lamp fixture and its thumbscrew, while Brother Kornhoer watched him nervously from below.

The guardian of the dynamo watched anxiously as the spokes blurred with speed and became a film.

The pistol was wavering in his direction He watched it waver for a moment, then decided to continue his advance.

With dish antennae they watched the road, and with magnetic feelers they felt at the guiding strips of steel in the roadbed and were given guidance thereby, as they rushed along the pink, fluorescent river of oiled concrete.