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n. (context obsolete English) A mythical sea monster, part man, thought to destroy ships.

Usage examples of "wasserman".

Hall, Peary was closer, so I called over there and talked with Phyllis Wasserman, the human resources director.

Samuel Wasserman, who was mysteriously and explosively murdered at the Hotel Wardman in Washington, D.

Thanks go, too, to those who were there in as many different ways as there are names: Sabah Ashraf, Andy and Karen Barnett, Noel Bejarano, Marjorie Braman, Scott Brown, Sonesh Chainani, Dhruv Chopra, Elena DeCoste, Joe Geraci, Victor and Phyllis Grann, Katy Heiden, Stan Horowitz, the Joel family, David Kanuth, Clint Kisker, Richard Kromka, John Lester, Tobias Nanda, Nathaniel Pastor, Mike Personick, Joe and Spencer Rascoff, Jeff Sahrbeck, Jessica Salins, Joanna Sletten, Nick Simonds, Jon Stein, Emily Stone, Larry Wasserman, and Adam Wolfsdorf.

Since nobody except themselves was there to see, Jacob Wasserman erected a psychocreative umbrella above them all and adjusted the ice's coefficient of friction.

Since Miss Cotter, to whom he went to be tested, did not at first know the purpose of the Wasserman test, she treated him accordingly.