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n. (plural of washstand English)

Usage examples of "washstands".

The flashlight beam picked out iron bedsteads, washstands, stacks of wooden chairs, lamp shades dripping with fringe, and rolls of patterned carpet.

She swept a pile of papers onto the floor and had barely emerged, sneezing and coughing from the cloud of dust, when Dean stepped out from between a stack of washstands and yet another steamer trunk, having discovered a slightly wider route to the spot.

Just like you love your damn chairs or washstands or whatever it is you whittle out of trees in your stupid wood in Ohio.

Those stencilled words amid the old washstands and cracked mirrors – and the vision I'd had long ago at Grandmaster Harrat's.

The entire third floor was an open barracks, with a row of washstands at one end, flanked by the water closets.

The faucets that fed their hotel-room washstands and plunge baths spewed a water so full of iron that it was rusty brown and almost impossible to make any soap work up a lather in.