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a. (alternative form of warm-hearted English)


adj. marked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy and generosity; "gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger" [ant: coldhearted]

Usage examples of "warmhearted".

Raskolnikov finds himself is then underlined by the visit to his only friend, the warmhearted, generous, ebullient Razumikhin, who was introduced earlier and obviously serves as a contrast to the introspective, gloomy, embittered Raskolnikov.

She could not hate him when he was as warmhearted as he just had been.

He is sincere, warmhearted,-- his poetry shows that,--not in haste to be famous, and he looks to me as if he only wanted love to steady him.

I would call him the salt of the earth-a decent, warmhearted and old-fashioned fellow.

She felt friendly and warmhearted to all those people out there on the lawn.

From this he had gained the reputation -- not quite deserved -- of being a very warmhearted, sympathetic man, and he had won the heart of many a sea-captain, of many a farmer, of many an old working-woman by the unfeigned interest he showed in their conversation.

So it is polite and friendly and warmhearted for the politician to have a way to be able to remember about other people the sort of little things that they are likely to remember about him.

Fortunately, she was a warmhearted child-nurturer and an enthusiastic host­ess who championed tribal conviviality, with the result that from late May until September, the enormous carpenter-Gothic house on the beach was almost always full of youth­ful guests, and Cheri got very little sculpting done.