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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Warish \War"ish\, v. t. [OF. warir to protect, heal, cure, F. gu['e]ri? to cure; of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. werian, weren, to protect, to hinder. See Garret.] To protect from the effects of; hence, to cure; to heal.

My brother shall be warished hastily.

Varro testifies that even at this day there be some who warish and cure the stinging of serpents with their spittle.


Warish \War"ish\, v. i. To be cured; to recover. [Obs.]

Your daughter . . . shall warish and escape.


vb. 1 (context obsolete transitive English) To cure or heal (an illness or person) 2 (context obsolete intransitive English) To get better; to recover from an illness