n. (context Internet slang leet English) Software that is illegally obtained or distributed. vb. (context Internet slang leet English) To obtain a copy of (software or other works of authorship) illegally.
Warez are copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law. Warez are generally unauthorized releases by organized groups, as opposed to file sharing between friends or large groups of people with similar interest using a darknet. Warez are not usually commercial software counterfeiting. Warez was initially coined by members of the various computer underground circles, but has since become commonplace among Internet users and the mass media.
The word warez is a leetspeak plural form of ware, short for computer software. Thus it is intended to be pronounced like the word wares, , but people commonly mispronounce the e, , as in the English pronunciation of Juárez.
Warez is used most commonly as a noun: "My neighbour downloaded 10 gigabytes of warez yesterday"; but has also been used as a verb: "The new Windows was warezed a month before the company officially released it". The collection of private warez groups is referred to globally as the " warez scene" or more ambiguously "The Scene".
Usage examples of "warez".
During Sundevil, a large number of code kids, warez d00dz, and credit card thieves would be deprived of those boards -- their means of community and conspiracy -- in one swift blow.
Anybody who really knew him would know that Stephen Leviste was now into hacking, and that as a hacker, what he needed was not warez, but codez.
In the last few weeks, as a sort of sideshow, it had become a hangout for assorted hackers, crackers, phone phreakers and warez pirates: the computer underground, and those who aspired to it.
He considered the Milk Duds recorder quite a cool hack, and he thought that the codez themselves might be an entree to the clannish hackers and crackers, who scorned dilettantes and warez kidz, but who were always looking for ways to steal phone calls.
He gave up thinking about codez and warez and the diskette and all the rest, and he slept.