vb. (present participle of ward off English)
Usage examples of "warding off".
They waved these overhead as they ducked into the tunnels, warding off a sudden rush of startled bats.
It has the little-known magical property of warding off lightnings (including those borne of spells), causing saving throws against such effects to be a made at a +4 bonus and all damage rolls from lightning to be made at a penalty of -1 point per die.
She made one of those odd gestures for warding off evil, folding under the middle two fingers and extending the other two stiffly.
The gooseflesh that had mottled the pale flesh of her body faded, and she unclenched fingers knotted about the hilt of a nonexistent sword and made her warding off gesture.
It has a deep, protected harbor, and by tradition, the Royal Fleet anchors along the northern coast, warding off the threat of piracy.
Guaire glanced over his shoulder to see the Lady Evaine pop into existence in that same corner of the room where Camber had just disappeared, and then he was fighting for his life again, warding off a concerted rush from two of his former fellows who had somehow managed to slip past James and his adversary and both attack at once.