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n. 1 Any of several species of plants in the genus (taxlink Telopea genus noshow=1), native to southeastern Australia. 2 A Y-shaped steel fencing post or stake.

  1. n. straggling shrub with narrow leaves and conspicuous red flowers in dense globular racemes [syn: Telopea speciosissima]

  2. tall shrub of eastern Australia having oblanceolate to obovate leaves and red flowers in compact racemes [syn: Telopea Oreades]


Waratah (Telopea) is an Australian-endemic genus of five species of large shrubs or small trees, native to the southeastern parts of Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania). The most well-known species in this genus is Telopea speciosissima, which has bright red flowers and is the NSW state emblem. The waratah is a member of the plant family Proteaceae, a family of flowering plants distributed in the Southern Hemisphere. The key diagnostic feature of Proteaceae is the inflorescence, which is often very large, brightly coloured and showy, consisting of many small flowers densely packed into a compact head or spike. Species of waratah boast such inflorescences ranging from 6–15 cm in diameter with a basal ring of coloured bracts. The leaves are spirally arranged, 10–20 cm long and 2–3 cm broad with entire or serrated margins. The name waratah comes from the Eora Aboriginal people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area.

Waratah (disambiguation)

The Waratah is a genus of shrubs native to southeastern Australia.

Waratah may also refer to:

  • Waratah, New South Wales, a suburb of Newcastle
  • Waratah, Tasmania, a town in northwest Tasmania
  • Waratah Bay, a bay in Victoria, Australia
  • SS Waratah, a steamer that mysteriously disappeared in 1909
  • The Warratahs, a country-rock band from New Zealand
  • New South Wales Waratahs, a Super Rugby team
  • Waratah motorcycles manufactured in Sydney
  • Sydney Trains A set, a type of multiple unit electric train Sydney branded as Waratah
  • Waratah (steam tug), part of the Sydney Maritime Museum and Sydney Heritage Fleet
  • A type of Steel fence post in New Zealand and Australia

Usage examples of "waratah".

The rainmaker got some of that, and taking a short piece of waratah stick from his hair in which it was concealed he smeared it with red ochre.

Waratah Lodge, whereby the Kensington abode of Wilmer James, standing in its own quarter of an acre of garden, was known, Portia found there would be only time to get into later-day trim before luncheon.

It is said that he touched a waratah stem while it was still being influenced by the hand of the spirit, and he, being uninitiated, could not bear the contact and he paid for it with his life.

Lambertia formosa, little casuarinas, wild currants, or Leucopogon richei and bracken fern, were matted with kennedya, well out in crimson and black flowers, and here and there rising through them stood the gorgeous crimson waratah.

The Leptospermum flourished there, and waratahs were in crimson splendour.