Crossword clues for wantonly
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wantonly \Wan"ton*ly\, adv.
In a wanton manner; without regularity or restraint; loosely; sportively; gayly; playfully; recklessly; lasciviously.
Unintentionally; accidentally. [Obs.]
--J. Dee.
adv. in a wanton manner
adv. in a wanton manner; "the animals were killed wantonly for sport"
in a licentious and promiscuous manner; "this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously" [syn: licentiously, promiscuously]
Usage examples of "wantonly".
Chewed limbs he ran ahunting amongst the wild Outhouses, wantonly skewering hell-beasties with his bow and his sharp arrows, conversing with famous Caesars of Rome and Kings of Africa and other dead folk condemned to the perditious gray lands of Hades, and flexing his biceps for the New Tourists and their new-fangled electronic Nikons and Leicas, their Sony videocams.
They were not wantonly cruel, nor extortionate, nor even pettily thievish.
Their retreat to the maritime city of Heraclea, where the fleet had probably been stationed, was attended by a long train of wagons, laden with the spoils of Bithynia, and was marked by the flames of Nice and Nicomedia, which they wantonly burnt.
This arrangement sent Patsy to the front seat outside, with Maurie and Ajo, although her uncle strongly protested that she had no right to expose her precious life so wantonly.
To represent that animals subjected to experiments IN THIS COUNTRY are WANTONLY TORTURED would, in our opinion, be absolutely false.
She sat on the edge instead, leaned back on her hands, and spread her legs wantonly.
The metallyne gates beeing shut, I remayned incloystered among these fayre and beautifull Nymphes, who began very pleasantly and wantonly to deuise with mee: and beeing hemmed in with their lasciuious company, I found my selfe prouoked by their perswasiue alluring intisements, to vnlawfull concupiscence, feeling in my selfe a burning desire, kyndled with their wanton aspects, an increasing prouocation of a lusting fier.
They were watching months of backbreaking toil being destroyed, seeing their hopes wantonly shattered, but they were afraid to make a move to stop it, because one of their number-one who had had the guts to try-had been sentenced to a week on Pinchgut Island for her pains.
Pangenesis, will sufficiently show that the above is no strange and paradoxical view put forward wantonly, but that it follows as a matter of course from the conclusions arrived at by those who are acknowledged leaders in the scientific world.
The short sway of these lawless bands had wrought much terror, suffering, and harm upon the already-stricken land, but they had, unknowing of it, also wrought not a little good in their depredations, Harold later concluded, in that they had wantonly fired numerous of the steadings, farms, halls, manors, castles, and abbeys after they had looted them, thus destroying and subjecting to direct-flame sterilization countless reservoirs of the plague.
She lifted her hands to his neck burying her fingers in his lianas she urged his mouth against her body, arching it wantonly against him.
There would be no mercy for a girl who would wantonly kill her own father, and afterwards besmirch his reputation in an attempt to save herself from prison.
In my shame and despair I thought of committing suicide, and sitting down again, I recollected my brutal speeches, and upbraided myself for having wantonly caused them to weep.
We are not boy and girl, to be captiously irritable, misled by every moment's inadvertence, and wantonly playing with our own happiness.
I now declare this hapless cyberstructure open to the unthinkable abuse of all who wantonly cross her.