Crossword clues for wallowing
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wallow \Wal"low\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wallowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Wallowing.] [OE. walwen, AS. wealwian; akin to Goth. walwjan (in comp.) to roll, L. volvere; cf. Skr. val to turn.
To roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire.
I may wallow in the lily beds.
--Shak. -
To live in filth or gross vice; to disport one's self in a beastly and unworthy manner.
God sees a man wallowing in his native impurity.
--South. To wither; to fade. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
n. The act of one who wallows. vb. (present participle of wallow English)
Usage examples of "wallowing".
The plane roared off with a speed startling to one used to wallowing helicopters.
And we can help ourselves, not by wallowing around in an it's-a-mistake self-pitying syndrome but by enjoying every minute we're here -- whether it's out souvenir hunting to improve our status when we're Earthside again, or getting to understand an alien psychology through our Hrruban friends.
When her medical advisers had realized that Kira was wallowing in sorrow, they should have applied a block .
Mind you, not even Angharad will tolerate your wallowing in such a slough of self-recrimination.
The tide was out, and they were exceedingly busy in the shallows, picking rockmites from the tumbled exposed boulders, or wallowing on the narrow edging of red and white sand, bathing themselves with great enthusiasm in the little pools, spreading their delicate wings to dry.
He had the future to plan for and that was what he'd been doing while everyone else on the planet seemed to be wallowing in ancestral accomplishments and striving to reconstruct all sorts of devices.
This will prove a dire necessity if we find ourselves struggling in the water to right the Wallowing Windbag after it is flipped over by raging rapids.
Then they went through the routine of deflating the Wallowing Windbag until it achieved neutral buoyancy, returned to breathing from their air tanks, and drifted with the current through the sunken passage dragging the flattened Hovercraft and its equipment behind them until they emerged into an open cavern and reinflated it again.
Now the Wallowing Windbag was rearing up like a rodeo bronco as it surged between the rocks and plunged sickeningly into the next trough.
His final moment of clarity came when the Wallowing Windbag hung suspended for a moment before soaring into the mist.
Even with a Hovercraft like the Wallowing Windbag, it's extremely doubtful anyone can gain safe passage through a hundred kilometers of water peppered with rapids and rocks.
The partially deflated Wallowing Windbag bravely plunged over the sharp ledge and successfully ran an obstacle course through rocks hiding under roaring sheets of froth and spray before continuing her voyage to oblivion.
The faithful Wallowing Windbag had taken him this far, but if it lost one more float cell he would have to abandon it and carry on alone.
Communication signals were agreed upon, buddy breathing strategies in case of air loss, the drill for inflating and deflating the Wallowing Windbag, who was in control of what equipment-- all procedures were deliberated and jointly approved.
Five minutes later the eight air chambers of the Wallowing Windbag were filled and the hull fully inflated, deployed, and ready to do battle with the river.