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walk over

vb. 1 (&lit to walk over English) 2 (context idiomatic English) To gain an easy victory. 3 (context idiomatic transitive English) To dominate, treat (someone) as inferior.

walk over

v. beat easily; "The local team walked over their old rivals for the championship"

Usage examples of "walk over".

They take me once with them over to the library and I walk over to the technical section, stand there looking at the titles of books on electronics, books I recognize from that year I went to college.

They stared at the road with a kind of horrid fascination, as if it were a tightrope they had to walk over an endless, bottomless chasm.

It's for Pollyanna, and I'd walk over hot coals for her, or face you, or—.

I walk over to the door, close it, mutter my locking spell, then barricade it with a chair.

The Scottish magician, you said, was, like Lucan's witch, at liberty to walk over the recent field of battle, and to select for the subject of resuscitation by his sorceries a body whose limbs had recently quivered with existence, and whose throat had but just uttered the last note of agony.

They start to land on her arms, and walk over her head and shoulders.

You need a pair of these boots just in case you need to walk over Jeanne Ellen.