The village of Walidpur is situated, in Mau district, Uttar Pradesh, India. The village is approximately 600 years old Walidpur is an Indian village located in Muhammadabad Gohna Tehsil and belongs to Mau district of Uttar Pradesh. Muhammadabad Gohna, Ghosi, Madhuban, Maunath Bhanjan etc. are the nearest towns / cities to Walidpur village. As per Census 2011 information the village code of Walidpur village is 197677. The name of the first person who came to Walidpur as a jageerdar nearly 600 years was Shah Bandagi Maroof. It is a historical village. There are various great personalities belong to this village. Now,the Village has been deveoloped into a Qasba(bigger village) and has many facilities as compare to some 20 years back. One Inter College, a few Primary Schools and many Madarsas are available in this Village since a very long time. The Maqbara of Maulana Kamil Saheb and Sufi Jan Saheb are built have here which accompanied with their ancestral house. The annual Urs celebrations held here. The Sufi traditions of this Village is always famous throughout the World.
Category:Villages in Mau district