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n. 1 (plural of wake English) 2 A community holiday, particularly in northern England. vb. (en-third-person singular of: wake)

Usage examples of "wakes".

Long wakes curled and Crisscrossed in the sea like a child's finger painting of white on blue, the screening ships raggedly headed this way and that.

When she wakes up, I wish her good morning and mine is the last voice she hears at night.

Overhead on the surface of the sea, four slick white bubbly torpedo wakes certainly led straight to the Devilfish.

At last Pug Henry resolved to ignore periscopes and torpedo wakes he couldn't see.

In his first glimpse Warren had seen only one carrier, but here were three almost in column, all heading into the wind, with black smoke and long, long white wakes streaming straight back.

As the vessel rolled, the two green wakes disappeared, then came in sight sliding past far below, directly under the captain's gaze.

He'll have one hell of a headache when he wakes up, but he'll be in perfectly good shape to testify against you.

As soon as the wings have cleared out and Ramoth wakes, I shall teach you to fly between.

Every morning he wakes up and finds them in a sorrier state than before.

Before he even wakes up, Bobby Shaftoe notices that Flanagan is speaking in a normal voice and does not sound scared or excited.

When he wakes up, depth charges are booming all over the place and everything is fine.

When he wakes up, it's dark, and some small animal is moving in the branches nearby.

He turns in early the night before, wakes up late, talks to his aide and makes sure that (a) plenty of hot coffee is available and (b) none of it will be given to Waterhouse.

Each car has become the first cause of a system of wakes and standing vortices that extends downstream for hundreds of yards.

When he wakes up, the computer is informing him that he's got a probable break into one of the messages.