In the Hawaiian religion, Wākea, the Sky father weds Papahānaumoku, the earth mother. The two are considered the parent couple of the ruling chiefs of Hawaii.
Wākea was the eldest son of Kahiko ("Ancient One"), who lived in Olalowaia. He is the ancestor of the aliʻi ( nobility of Hawaii), the ruling class that make up the aristocracy known as the noho ali'i o Hawaii (ruling chiefs of Hawaii). Wākea is the grandson of Welaahilaninui. The priests and common people come from his brothers, one of whom was called Makuʻu.
Wākea means expansive space, zenith, or heaven and Papa means foundation or surface; together, they create a symbol of land and sky or heaven and earth.
Wākea's first high priest was called Komoawa.
When Wākea was on Earth in ancient times, he was a High Chief.