n. (wake-up call English)
Usage examples of "wake-up calls".
That's only about six hours from now, so you might want to get rooms at the Lakeview Lodge here, and arrange for wake-up calls.
Gavin persisted in his attempts to date her, phoning her at home, sometimes two dozen times a night, then extending his attempts to early-morning wake-up calls in which he wept and proclaimed his love for her.
Would you be so kind as to adjust the auto wake-up calls for everyone on the graveyard shift as well.
They'd left requests for wake-up calls at the ungodly hour of five thirty A.
The lichen that spread upon it like fuzz on a baby's scalp grew slippery in rain, snow or ice and, in her anxiety to complete her wake-up calls, the fisherman's wife would often fall, scraping herself in the process.
During his years of traveling, his worst complaints involved poor housekeeping, unplaced wake-up calls, and lousy food in the coffee shop.
I suggest you request wake-up calls for five-thirty to give you ample time.
The previous wake-up calls had all been triggered by bulletins from other clones of the polis, but this time he'd fallen asleep knowing that no more arrivals were due before their own.
It led Luet to the inescapable conclusion that the alarm that opened all the suspended animation chambers had not been an accident, that somehow Zdorab had managed to leave not one but two wake-up calls, and the Oversold had not found the second one.