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waiting line

n. a line of people or vehicles waiting for something [syn: queue]

Usage examples of "waiting line".

She accessed her resource, pulling down a window from a waiting line of icons.

She invoked a resource window from a waiting line of icon tools, bringing a weapon online.

It surprised him, thinking of this suddenly, glancing up from the waiting line to be suddenly in front of eyebrows that brought Earth to mind.

And now an anxious sixteen-year-old had moved slowly up the waiting line of men and women (each face in that line illuminated by a different mixture of hope with fear or anxiety or even anguish –.

When he saw a man of about his own agehe could not recall the terribly scarred and fattening man's name, but did remember that he was a half-uncle of the Righwave frantically at the waiting line of cupmen and be quickly presented with a container that looked a bit like an oversized chamber pot, into which he noisily regurgitated, Bass saw his salvation.

When he limped to join the waiting line she made a kind of mental check-mark, and his ticket was already clicking from the machine before he could ask for it.

Rous passed by the waiting line of excited men and went down the hall to the end where another stairway led down to the ground floor.