vb. To wait on; to serve.
Usage examples of "wait upon".
He has heard of their wishes from Roux de Marsilly, whom he commissions to wait upon them.
Therefore by law we are required to wait upon the happenstance of a miscarriage or abortion.
They then appointed a deputation to wait upon Sir George Savile, one of the members for the county of York, and requested him to use his influence with the government to obtain an order to prohibit the exportation of cast-steel.
Quickly he prepared to wait upon the lords of the Instrumentality.
This is what women and boys have to do on a farm, wait upon everybody who--works.
Well, the next move would have to wait upon the moment, but it would not be resignation.
I could have told His Majesty that I had been all morning preparing to wait upon him, but I replied, &ldquo.
They literally clothed themselves in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day, with their fine wines and imported delicacies and retinue of servants to wait upon them.
There were no more than twenty, where a hundred had been accustomed to wait upon King Robert.
For a whole month we travelled, for the way was far and the road rough, and sometimes we must cut our path through forests and sometimes we must wait upon the banks of rivers.
Here an apartment was given to us at the end of the long building, and presently a command was brought to us that I and my wife should wait upon the Spanish captain Diaz.