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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wail \Wail\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Wailing.] [OE. wailen, weilen, probably fr. Icel. v[ae]la; cf. Icel. v[ae], vei, woe, and E. wayment, also OE. wai, wei, woe. Cf. Woe.] To lament; to bewail; to grieve over; as, to wail one's death.


n. A loud drawn out scream and howl. vb. (present participle of wail English)

  1. adj. vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression; "lamenting sinners"; "wailing mourners"; "the wailing wind"; "wailful bagpipes"; "tangle her desires with wailful sonnets"- Shakespeare [syn: lamenting, wailful]

  2. n. loud cries made while weeping [syn: bawling]


The term wailing may reference:

  • A heavy form of crying, usually accompanied by sobbing (see also weeping (disambiguation))
  • The Wailing Wall in Israel

Usage examples of "wailing".

Berry was aroused by an unusual prolonged wailing of the child, which showed that no one was comforting it, and failing to get any answer to her applications for admittance, she made bold to enter.

We recalled the wailing, which could be heard throughout the entire atelier, of the scrawny apprentice who walked toward the door, satchel in hand, having been sent back home because the intensity of the work caused one of his eyes to wander.

Muses bedew their cheeks with tears, in his strait is heard on every side the wailing appeal to us, and to avoid the danger of impending death he shows the slight sign of the ancient tonsure which we bestowed upon him, begging that we may be called to his aid and bear witness to the privilege bestowed upon him.

She does not succeed and shoots by Chib, wailing, on her back, her feet up in the air.

Anyhow the malevolence of the Culex fasciatus would justify the suspicion that some wicked human soul had been compressed into that wailing speck of a body.

Now, I can tell you, that your auld Laird is disturbed in his grave by your curses, and the wailing of your family, and if ye daur venture to go to see him, he will give you the receipt.

He was wincing repeatedly, not from the insulting blows that had been rained on him previously but from the screeching, wailing sounds the abused duar was producing.

She is wealthy and has everything she wants, and yet she is always wailing, while Dyce is as happy as the day is long.

And presiding over this wailing felid pandemonium, the king of the beasts himself, the golden-maned Sam Zelazo, whose immense presence Kassler would frequently glimpse prowling the corridors.

It was the face of a hatefully happy man, a face that radiated a horrible handsome warmth, a face to make waterglasses shatter in the hands of tired truck-stop waitresses, to make small children crash their trikes into board fences and then run wailing to their mommies with stake-shaped splinters sticking out of their knees.

Lady Polaris walked parallel as the flayed mage was hoicked off her naked buttocks and dragged along the floor, wailing in agony.

Mounted post, Blasted John Davis wailing about the disappearance of Hurrah Stevens, and demanding that they do all kinds of wild things in an effort to find him.

He had the cruiser racing, diving in and out of the traffic that grew heavier as he hit the center of town and diminished again as he roared into the industrial section the siren wailing in an ululating banshee cry.

The discordant notes and screeching guitar licks found a corresponding pulse in his left temple, which began pounding in tune with the inharmonic sounds wailing out of the living room speakers.

The sky was paling with the dawn and the constables had piled fresh logs on the fire, so that Juba recognized the white man immediately, and she shrank back into the safety of the crowd of sobbing, wailing women before he could notice her.