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n. (plural of wagonload English)

Usage examples of "wagonloads".

Nevertheless, he went out no more in the daylight but he sent the eldest lad to return the riksha to the place from where he hired it and he waited until the night came and he went to the houses of merchandise and for half what he had earned before he pulled all night the great wagonloads of boxes, to each wagon a dozen men pulling and straining and groaning.

The Faulconer Legion had started the war with three wagonloads of tents but now had only two tents left, both reserved for Doctor Danson.

Tim had ridden off with only Sergeant Rai, a single packmule and an assortment of his oldest clothes, leaving his lances camped in Morguhn and his two wagonloads of loot from the intaking of Getzburk locked in the cellars of Morguhn Hall.

Along with the catapults were two wagonloads of baled pine needles, tinder dry and awaiting the spark which would set them roaring into flame.