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n. (obsolete spelling of wagon English)

Usage examples of "waggin".

They closed at a dollar and fifty cents, And Jones he bought him a waggin and tents, And loaded his corn, and his wimmin, and truck, And moved to Texas, which it tuck His entire pile, with the best of luck, To git thar and git him a little land.

Shaker, and he led the way into the house, another Shaker bein sent to put my hosses and waggin under kiver.

CORTEZ, PIZARRO, and WALKER were one-horse fillibusters--COLUMBUS was a four-horse team fillibuster, and a large yaller dog under the waggin.

Fyne fur hydin gold and turnin peepil intae things thayd rathir no be turnd intae an maykin foalk furget things an that sort ov stuf, but no fur fixin a bugerd waggin wheel or sloppin the mud oot yer detachit hovil aftir the rivir's burst itz banks.

An’ dey driv dey cannons an’ waggins ‘cross de cotton till it plum ruint, ‘cept a few acres over on de creek bottom dat dey din’ notice.

Why did Old Jack order these waggins to come along an' get them stores?

CORTEZ, PIZARRO, and WALKER were one-horse fillibusters--COLUMBUS was a four-horse team fillibuster, and a large yaller dog under the waggin.