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wage scale

n. (context business labor relations English) A system of remuneration for workers which specify levels of payment based on set criterion, such as the skill levels of the various jobs or the number of years of experience possessed by workers.

wage scale

n. a schedule of wages paid for different jobs [syn: wage schedule]

Usage examples of "wage scale".

Rearden paid a higher wage scale than any union scale in the country, for which he demanded—.

Dunross, that here in Hong Kong you could do with a Trades Union Council, a minimum wage scale, elected legislature, proper unions and safeguards, socialized medicine, workman's compensation and all the modern British innovations.

Nonetheless, Bibleman had to order lunch from robots, since vending ranked too low on the wage scale to attract humans.

In the first place, a high wage scale was introduced in every department of each concern.

He soon realized that he was not likely to make it by washing dishes at joints that had never heard of the minimum wage scale, or changing tires for tips, or taking any of the other menial positions for which one year of art seemed to qualify him.

It wasn't much, because he and Scotty had been classed as clerks, at a very low wage scale.

Now, considering his backlog of debts and the wage scale on a Midwestern newspaper, the Medford Manor was the best he could afford.

He was an underpaid feature writer working for a large midwestem newspaper noted for its twenty-four-point bylines and meager wage scale.

He mentioned a change in the wage scale, with bonuses to all foremen and rollers.

However, the work was grueling and the pay was at the bottom of the wage scale.