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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wafter \Waft"er\, n.

  1. One who, or that which, wafts.

    O Charon, Thou wafter of the soul to bliss or bane.
    --Beau. & FL.

  2. A boat for passage.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (context obsolete English) Armed convoy or escort ship 2 (context obsolete English) An agent of the Crown with responsibility for protecting specific maritime activities, such as shipping or fishing. Etymology 2

n. One who, or that which, wafts.

Usage examples of "wafter".

I found but 3 fadom wafter, 60 men being upon the deck, 5 of them would not beleave that she strooke, I criinge to them to beare up and tacke to the westward: they did ther beste but the rock being sharpe the ship was presentlie full of watter.