vb. To do a boring, repetitive research task.
Usage examples of "wade through".
They both looked at Wade through the driver's window, and he thought there was much the same expression in each pair of eyes a weary, road-worn hostility, an habitual suspicion.
You come out on the street and wade through the garbage awhile, you pick up the pieces of some kid who's been raped and beat up, or drag through the puke of some asshole teenager who's OD'd on Jazz he got from some vulture working the school yards.
We wade through preposterous news stories on Enron, global warming, Tawana Brawley, “.
We wade through preposterous news stories on Enron, global warming, Tawana Brawley, plastic guns, the melting North Pole, the meaning of the word isuntil you cant keep up with the wave of lies.
If he gets his money, the book goes straight into the shop, and the proofreader's the first man who has to wade through it.
But ice wasn't snow, which was supposed to stack up on the ground so high that people had to wade through it.
He hoped that Methuen would get back in a month or so and would find time to explain the hard parts to him, but meanwhile he'd have to wade through it as best he could.