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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Vulgar fraction

Fraction \Frac"tion\, n. [F. fraction, L. fractio a breaking, fr. frangere, fractum, to break. See Break.]

  1. The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence. [Obs.]

    Neither can the natural body of Christ be subject to any fraction or breaking up.

  2. A portion; a fragment.

    Some niggard fractions of an hour.

  3. (Arith. or Alg.) One or more aliquot parts of a unit or whole number; an expression for a definite portion of a unit or magnitude.

    Common fraction, or Vulgar fraction, a fraction in which the number of equal parts into which the integer is supposed to be divided is indicated by figures or letters, called the denominator, written below a line, over which is the numerator, indicating the number of these parts included in the fraction; as 1/2, one half, 2/5, two fifths.

    Complex fraction, a fraction having a fraction or mixed number in the numerator or denominator, or in both.
    --Davies & Peck.

    Compound fraction, a fraction of a fraction; two or more fractions connected by of.

    Continued fraction, Decimal fraction, Partial fraction, etc. See under Continued, Decimal, Partial, etc.

    Improper fraction, a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator.

    Proper fraction, a fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator.

Vulgar fraction

Vulgar \Vul"gar\, a. [L. vulgaris, from vulgus the multitude, the common people; of uncertain origin: cf. F. vulgaire. Cf. Divulge.]

  1. Of or pertaining to the mass, or multitude, of people; common; general; ordinary; public; hence, in general use; vernacular. ``As common as any the most vulgar thing to sense. '' -- Shak.

    Things vulgar, and well-weighed, scarce worth the praise.

    It might be more useful to the English reader . . . to write in our vulgar language.
    --Bp. Fell.

    The mechanical process of multiplying books had brought the New Testament in the vulgar tongue within the reach of every class.

  2. Belonging or relating to the common people, as distinguished from the cultivated or educated; pertaining to common life; plebeian; not select or distinguished; hence, sometimes, of little or no value. ``Like the vulgar sort of market men.''

    Men who have passed all their time in low and vulgar life.

    In reading an account of a battle, we follow the hero with our whole attention, but seldom reflect on the vulgar heaps of slaughter.

  3. Hence, lacking cultivation or refinement; rustic; boorish; also, offensive to good taste or refined feelings; low; coarse; mean; base; as, vulgar men, minds, language, or manners.

    Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.

    Vulgar fraction. (Arith.) See under Fraction.

vulgar fraction

n. (context arithmetic English) A fraction in the form of one integer divided by another, non-zero, integer.

Usage examples of "vulgar fraction".

I cannot congratulate you upon your kindred, for I do not get on at all with these patchwork combinations, that are one-third man and the other two-thirds a vulgar fraction of bull or hawk or goat or serpent or ape or jackal or what not.