prep. (obsolete spelling of upon English)
Usage examples of "vpon".
Full of sad feare, and doubtfull agony,Fiercely he flew vpon that wicked feend,And with huge strokes, and cruell batteryHim forst to leaue his pray, for to attendHim selfe from deadly daunger to defend:Full many wounds in his corrupted fleshHe did engraue, and muchell bloud did spend,Yet might not do him dye, but aye more freshAnd fierce he still appeard, the more he did him thresh.
Him als accompanyd vpon the wayA comely Palmer, clad in blacke attire,Of ripest yeares, and haires all hoarie gray,That with a staffe his feeble steps did stire,Least his long way his aged limbes should tire:And if by lookes one may the mind aread,He seemd to be a sage and sober sire,And euer with slow pace the knight did lead,Who taught his trampling steed with equall steps to tread.
Wherewith the Souldan all with furie fraught,Swearing, and banning most blasphemously,Commaunded straight his armour to be brought,And mounting straight vpon a charret hye,With yron wheeles and hookes arm'd dreadfully,And drawne of cruell steedes, which he had fedWith flesh of men, whom through fell tyrannyHe slaughtred had, and ere they were halfe ded,Their bodies to his beasts for prouender did spred.
But they him spying, both with greedy forseAttonce vpon him ran, and him besetWith strokes of mortall steele without remorse,And on his shield like yron sledges bet:As when a Beare and Tygre being metIn cruell fight on lybicke Ocean wide,Espye a traueiler with feet surbet,Whom they in equall pray hope to deuide,They stint their strife, and him assaile on euery side.
By that any dayly3t lemed vpon erthe He with his hatheles on hy3e horsses weren.
Vnto his lofty steede he clombe anone,And forth vpon his former voiage fared,And with him eke that aged Squire attone.
Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swythe, With gret bobbaunce that bur3e he biges vpon fyrst, And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat.
Chalkwhyt chymnees ther ches he inno3e Vpon bastel roue3, that blenked ful quyte.
And drawing nigh him said, Ah misborne Elfe,In euill houre thy foes thee hither sent,Anothers wrongs to wreake vpon thy selfe:Yet ill thou blamest me, for hauing blentMy name with guile and traiterous intent.
Thus well instructed, to their worke they hast,And comming where the knight in slomber lay,The one vpon his hardy head him plast,And made him dreame of loues and lustfull play,That nigh his manly hart did melt away,Bathed in wanton blis and wicked ioy:Then seemed him his Lady by him lay,And to him playnd, how that false winged boy,Her chast hart had subdewd, to learne Dame pleasures toy.
For me think hit not semly, as hit is soth knawen, Ther such an askyng is heuened so hy3e in your sale, Tha3 yghe yghourself be talenttyf, to take hit to yourseluen, Whil mony so bolde yow aboute vpon bench sytten, That vnder heuen I hope non ha3erer of wylle, Ne better bodyes on bent ther baret is rered.
Alle hasped in his he3 wede to halle thay hym wonnen, Ther fayre fyre vpon flet fersly brenned.
A cheyer byfore the chemne, ther charcole brenned, Wat3 graythed for Sir Gawan graythely with clothez, Whyssynes vpon queldepoyntes that koynt wer bothe.
She hauing hong vpon a bough on highHer bow and painted quiuer, had vnlasteHer siluer buskins from her nimble thigh,And her lancke loynes vngirt, and brests vnbraste,After her heat the breathing cold to taste.
This kyng lay at Camylot vpon Krystmasse With mony luflych lorde, lede3 of the best, Rekenly of the Rounde Table alle tho rich brether, With rych reuel ory3t and rechles merthes.