Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
vote of confidence
▪ Arvey, knowing he was being blamed, was hoping for a vote of confidence.
▪ It hardly amounted to a vote of confidence for the new regime.
▪ On 23 November 1923 Stresemann was refused a vote of confidence.
▪ Shortly afterwards the government survived a vote of confidence in the Dáil by 83 votes to 80.
▪ This was an impressive personal vote of confidence.
▪ When insiders buy a stock, that is a direct vote of confidence.
vote of confidence
n. 1 A motion proposed in a parliament or other assembly to give members the chance to express their confidence in a government; sometimes proposed by a government to counter a vote of no confidence proposed by the opposition; defeat would lead to the resignation of the government. 2 (context informal by extension English) Any indication of confidence in another.
vote of confidence
n. an expression of approval and encouragement; "they gave the chairman a vote of confidence"