Vortice (i.e. "Vortex") is a 1953 Italian melodrama film directed by Raffaello Matarazzo and starring Massimo Girotti and Silvana Pampanini.
Usage examples of "vortice".
Tocca ora a me, pensai, e mi precipitai nel vortice di quel tramestio.
One hundred years after Copernicus had given to the world the true arrangements of our planetary system, Descartes advanced his theory of vortices in the ethereal medium, in which the planets were borne in orbits around the sun, and the satellites around their primaries.
That there are also secondary vortices, in which the planets are placed.
There are six principal vortices ever in operation on the surface of the earth, and their disturbing influence extends from 200 to 400 miles.
These waves will be interfered with by the different vortices, sometimes being increased and sometimes diminished by them.
So also, although rains and short squalls may be frequent in the vapor-loaded atmosphere of the equator, yet the hurricane does not reach there, owing to the adjustment of the mass and distance of the moon, and the inclination of the axes of the vortices to the axis of the earth.
And even in the tropics, the progress of the sun, by its power in directing the great annual currents of the atmosphere, only conspires in the summer and autumn months, to bring an atmosphere in the track of the vortices, possessing the full degree of moisture and deficiency of electric tension, to produce the derangement necessary to call forth the hurricane in its greatest activity.
It would appear at first sight, as if the discovery of these vortices would at once remedy the great defect in the theory of Redfield, viz.
A better acquaintance, however, with the phenomenon, at last dissipates this uncertainty, and the vortices are then found to pursue their course with that regularity which varies only according to law.
The accompanying record, therefore, is only given to show how these vortices render themselves apparent, and what ought to be observed, and also to exhibit the order of their recurrence and their positions at a given time.
Cape Horn is so proverbially stormy, as well as for the low standard of the barometer in that latitude, it is the stationary point of the vortices in ordinary positions of the nodes and perigee of the moon.
We shall now show from the record, that the other vortices are as effective in deranging the equilibrium of our atmosphere.
In the following table we have given the passages of the different vortices, which will serve as their true positions within moderate limits, to calculate from, for all future time.
These depend on the moon, and are caused by the passage of the vortices over or near to the place of observation.
The action of these vortices is proved to be of variable force, whether arising from atmospheric conditions, or due to an increased activity of the ethereal medium throughout the whole system, is at present immaterial.