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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Voracity \Vo*rac"i*ty\, n. [L. voracitas: cf. F. voracit['e].] The quality of being voracious; voraciousness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from Middle French voracité (14c.) or directly from Latin voracitatem (nominative voracitas) "greediness, ravenousness," from vorax (genitive voracis) "greedy, ravenous, consuming," from vorare "to devour," from PIE *gwor-a-, from root *gwere- (4) "to swallow, devour" (cognates: Sanskrit girati "he swallows," garah "drink;" Greek bibroskein "to eat," brosis "eating;" Lithuanian geriu "to drink," gìrtas "drunk;" Old Church Slavonic žiro "to swallow," grŭlo "gullet").


n. the state of being voracious; rapacity or extreme gluttony

  1. n. excessive desire to eat [syn: edacity, esurience, ravenousness, voraciousness]

  2. extreme gluttony [syn: edacity, esurience, rapaciousness, rapacity, voraciousness]

Usage examples of "voracity".

My grandmother took me to the inn, and dinner was served, but she could hardly eat anything in her astonishment at the voracity with which I was swallowing my food.

Instead of a Mame Dugan to fly from the voracity of man and raise violets, she seemed to be a Mame more in line as God intended her, approachable, and suited to bask in the light of the Brazilians and the Kindler.

The Writs have spoken of voracity in satan eyes, and of licentiousness and Hell-light, but never of sadness.

My grandmother took me to the inn, and dinner was served, but she could hardly eat anything in her astonishment at the voracity with which I was swallowing my food.

Our English dinner was excellent in its way, but my chief pleasure was to see the voracity with which the girls devoured the meal.

These small insects drank my blood with unutterable voracity, their incessant bites gave me spasmodic convulsions and poisoned my blood.

For Thread, a space-traveling mycorrhizoid spore, devoured with mindless voracity all organic matter and, once grounded, burrowed and proliferated with terrifying speed.

For Thread, a space, traveling mycorrhizoid spore, devoured with mindless voracity all organic matter and, once grounded, burrowed and proliferated with terrifying speed.

The sight somewhat nauseated Menolly, but she set her jaw and tried to ignore the voracity with which her otherwise gentle companions attacked the unexpected delicacy.