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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Voluptuary \Vo*lup"tu*a*ry\ (?; 135), n.; pl. Voluptuaries. A voluptuous person; one who makes his physical enjoyment his chief care; one addicted to luxury, and the gratification of sensual appetites.

A good-humored, but hard-hearted, voluptuary.
--Sir W. Scott.

Syn: Sensualist; epicure.


n. (plural of voluptuary English)

Usage examples of "voluptuaries".

But if she commanded the language of sexual suggestion, she could ask a hundred dollars a half-hour from real voluptuaries of vocabulary.

They sneered at his voluptuaries, at his love of flesh and pulsating life.

We knew that we would be exempt from military service, that we would be forbidden to ride horses, and that our sultans were voluptuaries and lunatics.

This preference was borne out in his acquaintance as, here and there, disreputable persons, odd fellows, outsiders, assorted voluptuaries, rebels, disheveled scientific geniuses from the Royal Society, and freakish eccentrics of every stripe nodded to him, furtively offering their respects.

In spite of the Adam-Adelphian decoration on which Miss Kingston had lavished so much taste and care, the Little Theatre was in comparison with Rheims the gloomiest of little conventicles: indeed the cathedral must, from the Puritan point of view, have debauched a million voluptuaries for every one whom the Little Theatre had sent home thoughtful to a chaste bed after Mr Chesterton's Magic or Brieux's Les Avaries.