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a. Lacking volition.

Usage examples of "volitionless".

The smoldering pipe passed between them in a volitionless glide, like an object at a seance, each repetition a reenactment of their meeting one bright windy afternoon, sizzling white clouds blowing past in pieces, carrying with them, for this one day at least, that late summer malaise of extended-mode lives and wilted options thousands of vacations were designed to avoid.

The fact that he was hypnotized, volitionless, only meant that the bomb inside him was controlled by other means: an internal timer.

And as he sat in the shadows of the ruined garden on that August night three months later and heard the clock in the courthouse two miles away strike ten and then eleven, he believed with calm paradox that he was the volitionless servant of the fatality in which he believed that he did not believe.

Cullen staggered to a stop beside her, as volitionless as an electronic toy separated from its controlling signal.