Volesus, Volusus, or Volero is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was occasionally used during the period of the Roman Republic, and briefly revived in imperial times. It gave rise to the patronymic gentes Valeria and Volusia. The feminine form is Volesa or Volusa. The name was not normally abbreviated, but occasionally appears with the abbreviation Vol.
The praenomen Volesus, also spelled Volusus, and perhaps also Valesus, is best known from Volesus, the founder of gens Valeria, who was said to have come to Rome with Titus Tatius, king of the Sabine town of Cures, during the reign of Romulus. The name was used by the early Valerii, first as praenomen, then as cognomen; the praenomen was occasionally revived by that great patrician house, which used it as late as the 1st century AD The form Volero was regularly used by the plebeian gens Publilia. The name must also once have been used by gens Volusia, and perhaps also by the gentes Condetia and Vecilia.
Volesus or Volusus, sometimes called Volesus Valerius, was the eponymous ancestor of gens Valeria, one of the greatest patrician houses at Rome. He is said to have come to Rome with Titus Tatius, king of the Sabine town of Cures, during the reign of Romulus, the founder and first king of Rome.