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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Void \Void\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Voided; p. pr. & vb. n. Voiding.] [OF. voidier, vuidier. See Void, a.]

  1. To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table.

    Void anon her place.

    If they will fight with us, bid them come down, Or void the field.

  2. To throw or send out; to evacuate; to emit; to discharge; as, to void excrements.

    A watchful application of mind in voiding prejudices.

    With shovel, like a fury, voided out The earth and scattered bones.
    --J. Webster.

  3. To render void; to make to be of no validity or effect; to vacate; to annul; to nullify.

    After they had voided the obligation of the oath he had taken.
    --Bp. Burnet.

    It was become a practice . . . to void the security that was at any time given for money so borrowed.


Voiding \Void"ing\, n.

  1. The act of one who, or that which, voids.
    --Bp. Hall.

  2. That which is voided; that which is ejected or evacuated; a remnant; a fragment. [R.]

    Voiding knife, a knife used for gathering up fragments of food to put them into a voider.


Voiding \Void"ing\, a. Receiving what is ejected or voided. ``How in our voiding lobby hast thou stood?''


n. 1 The act by which something is voided, as urination. 2 That which is voided; that which is ejected or evacuated; a remnant; a fragment. vb. (present participle of void English)


n. the bodily process of discharging waste matter [syn: elimination, evacuation, excretion, excreting]

Usage examples of "voiding".

The offence of bribery at elections is dealt with on much the same lines as in England, voiding the election and disqualifying the offender from holding any office.

And such desires as are satisfied by the filling or voiding of the body, must be proper to something very different from the Soul, to that only which admits of replenishment and voidance.

Matron possessed no breasts, so he knew these to be delusions, yet was sustained by them none the lessand times when he began voiding his bladder and bowels, and she held him out when he did this, so he fouled only himself.

The geyserlike plume of wasted selyn gradually collapsed and stopped as Digen worked to control the bleeding and superficial local voiding.

With it came the stink of my own putrefaction, my bowels voiding as I thrashed to the ground, the lunatic ringing of cicadas in my head as the high D of blood whined in my constricting vessels.

So she had taken some off the present age, adding to the appeal without voiding my suspension of disbelief.

Neither of these two voidings was as painful as the one that had taken me off my feet on the way to the privy, but both times I had to clutch the passenger-side doorhandle of my little Ford coupe to hold myself up, and I could feel sweat running down my hot face.