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n. (plural of voiceprint English)

Usage examples of "voiceprints".

In this case, the voiceprints remind Lucy of a black-and-white abstract painting of tornadoes.

The darkest areas on the known and questioned voiceprints correspond to the intensity of the frequencies.

Another robot greeted them, and, after registering their voiceprints and retinas and matching their credit ratings to their thumbprints, assigned them a pair of rooms on the second floor.

The necessary voiceprints have been registered, including Lord Jaxom's, whose voice I registered earlier, and this facility will respond to no others, or in the presence of others, until further notice.

If they discussed anything strikingly illegal, and the monitoring officer caught it, then voiceprints would be made.

A certain governmental economy came into play here--it wasn't worth going through the hassle of voiceprints and track-down for routine illegal transactions.

Such fingerprints, footprints, voiceprints, EEG prints, don't exist in any data banks on earth.

Among other things, the computer was making voiceprints for future comparison and pairing the voiceprints with facial-recognition software, handwriting-recognition software, and signature-recognition software, routine procedure for every person identified in Big Brain’s memory banks.