n. (plural of vocalization English)
Usage examples of "vocalizations".
They were ungainly, heads too big and bodies sloping, coats ragged and mottled, gait awkward, vocalizations too reminiscent of an unpleasant laugh.
As for their notorious yelping vocalizations, they actually represented an extremely sophisticated form of communication.
For such huge animals, their vocalizations were incongruously high-pitched: they sounded more like yelping dogs.
Perhaps when separated by 15,000 kilometers, their vocalizations are love songs, cast hopefully into the vastness of the deep.
These ploys, in combination, had persuaded the Minids to follow me to the place where I had stowed my gear, for, to communicate with one another, they were themselves dependent on hand signals, vocalizations, and a subtle repertoire of eye movements.
By eye movements and clumsy vocalizations I made them understand my welcome news and led them down the mountain to the stream bed on the steppe.
Still avoiding contact with the advancing Drounge while making loud vocalizations to its companions, it withdrew from the sizable, lumpy object one that was smaller still.
The biped continued to trot alongside the lacerated flank of the Drounge, uttering comforting vocalizations to its entrapped friend, while the rest of its companions kept their distance.
Voice training with Ser Vospatrian, the Lab Schools' drama teacher, who'd taught them to modulate their speaker-produced vocalizations through the full range of human speech with all its emotional overtones.
The vents in his throat flapped quickly as he sucked in air to prevent further unprofessional vocalizations of pain.
Now he was leaning against the bulkhead, his head drooped forward, his vocalizations too low and mumbled for her to make sense of them.
His eyes rolled upward into his skull for a brief moment, and inchoate vocalizations rolled from his throat as the drug coursed through him.
Even worse than the ear-piercing vocalizations, though, were the waves of emotional distress pouring out of her, flooding Milo’s empathic senses with his sister’s fear and unhappiness.
He heard little such common ground in the cold and somewhat garbled vocalizations emerging from the computer.
Similarly, our spoken language includes a range of vocalizations, imperceptible to most other species, that may contain many layers of subtext.