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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vivify \Viv"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Vivified; p. pr. & vb. n. Vivifying.] [F. vivifier, L. vivificare. See Vivid, -fy; cf. Vivificate.] To endue with life; to make to be living; to quicken; to animate.

Sitting on eggs doth vivify, not nourish.


vb. (present participle of vivify English)

Usage examples of "vivifying".

The air had not been renewed for forty-eight hours, and its vivifying qualities were considerably enfeebled.

Forever deprived of the vivifying warmth of the sun, they were vapid and colorless.

Her latest coffee was still too hot to drink, so she held up the Styrofoam cup and inhaled the vivifying steam.

The gummy air whistled in her throat as she tried to take a vivifying breath.

The miraculous budding of her face, renewed cheeks bright as the flesh of raw petals, ritual's signet pressed into living tissue for all to mark and know once again the vivifying power of ceremony, the repetition of right word and gesture opening a circuit in the aisle of time, eternity's proof in the turgor of the heart.