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Vival (supermarket)

Vival, sometimes referred to as Vival by CASINO, and Vival, viva la vie, is a brand of local grocery shops run by Groupe Casino. Vival can also sometimes be found at petrol stations, such as in the Aire de service des Haras on the A28 motorway in Normandy.

Usage examples of "vival".

Sur- vival meant the pitting of one species against another in a struggle that frequently ended with the extinction of one in order that the other might survive.

You even knew, Liriil that the piiyi contained evidence of the probability of the sui vival of Kaarlye and Miin of the Nyaarya clan, Maati's an' Aari's parents.

We are now seriously threatening the sur vival even of those relatively little baleen whales, the Minkes and the Brydes (now being actively hunted by catchers from Norway), as well as the White Whales^Be luga) and the Potheads (Pilot Whale).